Take a drop of water. If you know how to listen to it, it will tell you about the earth, the sea and the sky…
I am now teaching for +/- 30 years in various countries all over the world. I have always very much enjoyed combining my travels with my other passion, teaching Aquatic Bodywork to people with different backgrounds, cultures and languages.
Aquatic Bodywork is a wonderful way to connect profoundly with each student and client on a physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual level.
One of my major intentions in teaching is to empower people to embody their own beauty, knowledge and wisdom and to support them on their path to consciousness and living a happy life.
On land, I propose a rich variety of exercises to further explore the inner depth and the stillness of the heart space that the students have touched in the water sessions. Visits to the surrounding nature after long periods of time in the water assist us in rebalancing with the earth element. Simple natural tasks bring moments of contemplation and oneness of being.
Whether we spend time in the sacredness of a warm water pool, on land in a carefully prepared group room or in the wilderness of a forest for balancing the four elements in us, I deeply appreciate the opportunity to hold space for growth and authentic encounter with each other.
Please refer to the agenda page for a list of activities and other practical information.